A littlebit behind the scene was this Rodec and Shermann colaboration. Mixer and Filter technology in one, the belguim companys making nice stuff:
Update: We asked Herman from Sherman for a reaction:
The ‘ Restyler ‘ is a dynamic stereo filter which I have made for DJ’s, and it is the intention that Rodec will take the Restyler in prodution.
The frequentcy and dynamics give this purely analogue filter a place in the Sherman filter family, yet in both markets (synth/studio and DJ world, and even mastering) will find his way.
The construction is very robust like the Rodec tradition, and has been here in default left I/o and MIDI which is a filter bank standard.
Cinch and balanced jacket I/O + XLR inputs are standard. XLR output are optional to Rodec tradition.
The Restylus cost around 550 euro incl. VAT.