AnaMod introduces the AM670 Stereo Limiter

AnaMod will demonstrate the AM670 Stereo Limiter (Anamod Audio) at the 2009 Frankfurt Music Messe in Frankfurt Germany.

The AM670, list price $3295.00, is a stereo 3U rackmount based on the technology of Anamod’s successful AM660 500-series compressor introduced last year. Both the AM660 and AM670 were created by the AnaMod™ Process. Precise mathematical models were created from the classic 1950s variable-mu 670 limiter. These models were used to synthesize the analog hardware of the AM670. Like the classic1950s variable-mu 670 limiter, the AM670 duplicates the Lateral / Vertical (mid / side) modes of compression while adding a stereo link function which was not present on original 1950s vacuum tube unit.

AnaMod’s co-founder Greg Gualtieri says, “Having mid / side compression available in a buss limiter will be eye-opening for many engineers. You’re able to independently control the amount of compression of the center of a mix while not affecting the extreme ends of a stereo mix… and vice-versa.”


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