TC Electronic’s Impact Twin is a brand new, state of the art audio interface that features ground-breaking technology to ensure that what’s being recorded sounds as good on the inside of a computer as it does on the outside.
Impact Twin offers a pristine recording path thanks to its two mic pre’s that feature TC Electronic’s acclaimed Impact III™ Technology. They each feature three stages: a high quality and very flexible Mic Amp, superior 192kHz/24bit HD Conversion, plus a set of recording Channel Tools, each carefully brought together to offer the ultimate in recording quality.
The Impact III Mic Amp has been designed from the ground up to maximize the signal recorded into a DAW and makes the best of any microphone: from the finest vintage tube mics to the most demanding low-budget condensers. With two Impact III mic amps, the interface also offers maximum flexibility. Whether recording instrument, line or mic, with or without phantom power, Impact Twin works for any situation.
Impact Twin features superior 24bit/192Khz HD Conversion. Conversion rates can be selected from 44.1kHz right up to High Definition 192kHz for the ultimate in pristine audio capture, maintaining the essential transients of the original sound.
For years TC Electronic has been innovating in the world of signal processing so Impact Twin also includes essential recording Channel Tools that go even further to optimize the sound with onboard EQ, Compressor and De-esser that quickly, simply and invisibly tame and enhance those signals.
Along with the ultimate recording path TC Electronic has also included many other features including iCheck (Integrity Check). This provides a shortcut for revealing any artifacts caused by data reduction – essential when encoding mp3 or AAC files.
Impact Twin: flawless recording, no matter what.
Price & Availability: Impact Twin will cost $519 MSRP (USD) and is shipping now