Beauty on the iPad – Jonas Eriksson Synthesizer 76

Doesn’t this look so freakin’ awesome? Wow, … well that’s what you get when you are a (brilliant) designer with a strong love for retro vintage synthesizers. As far as I have understood this is (only) a Design and Concept for the 76 Synthesizer iPad Application. This ‘concept’ originated in the brain of Jonas Eriksson, an award winning Designer / Developer who is currently located in Sweden and Los Angeles, USA.

Jonas: “I‘m a Pixel-bitch Swede who loves minimal things, good typography, grid based sites and who prefer solid coloring over gradients. Besides having a thing for clean design I am also into retro synthesizers, adventures, talented photographers, illustrators and creative copywriters.”

Gearjunkies salutes this ‘pixel-bitching‘ Swede. Again, sadly this concept is just what it is. We don’t know if there are any plans that this app will be further developed from just a design concept to reality! If so, we will let you know of couse.

Jonas Eriksson


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