TC-Helicon launches VoiceJam 1.2 update

TC-Helicon the only audio company 100 percent dedicated to the needs of vocalists of all levels, today announces the new version of VoiceJam – a powerful iPhone, iPod and iPad app for creating music whilst on the move. With an In-app purchase feature of the infamous HardTune pitch correction effect, and new core features including ‘Input meters’ and ‘Shots mode’, VoiceJam 1.2 is set to allow vocalists to loop, layer and record more exciting and more professional recordings. VoiceJam 1.2 uses the iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch’s built-in microphone or any Apple certified external microphone to record and layer sound onto an evolving loop.

VoiceJam customers can add the HardTune pitch correction effect as an In-App purchase by touching the ‘info’ icon. The effect is an emulation of TC-Helicon’s VoiceTone C1 vocal stompbox. It allows everything from extreme auto pitch correction to more subtle tweaks to the singer’s pitch. There’s also a control for subtle to extreme gender-bending (male to female transformations and vice-versa).

New Features include:
– ‘In-app’ purchase – enables vocalists to buy pro-quality vocal effects from TC-Helicon’s stompbox effect pedals range, starting with the C1 HardTune pitch correction effect.
– ‘Input metering’ – Singers can be sure they’re singing at ideal volume levels by watching the colour of the input waveform.
– ‘Shots mode’ – allows a vocalist to instantly re-trigger loops like samples on a drum pad.
– ‘Live Performance Flyover’ – includes the new loop mixer to non-destructively tweak the level of each loop, and offers other controls designed to aid customers during live performances.
– ‘SoundCloud’ – a new uncompressed SoundCloud option allows for high quality uncompressed recordings to be instantly uploaded and shared.
– ‘Share an idea’ – a link that gives vocalists the opportunity to share new feature ideas directly with TC-Helicon’s development team.

TC-Helicon’s product manager, Tom Lang, states: “This new version of VoiceJam significantly builds upon its greatest achievement: creating amazing music from scratch, with nothing but your phone or mobile device. The addition of In-App purchases of vocal effects from the stompboxes I love is really going to open things up for singers out there. We’re excited to see a lot of extremely creative audio tracks and videos being shared by our users on SoundCloud and YouTube in the coming months.

Pricing and availability
The VoiceJam version 1.2 upgrade is freely available to existing users via the Apple app store, 27 April, 2011.
New users can download VoiceJam for $4.99 US, £2.99 UK and €3.99 EU. The In-app purchase of C1 is $9.99 US, £5.99 UK and €7.99 EU, but is 60% off until 15 May, 2011

For a real-time product demo video and product details, please visit



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