OMG – A Steampunk Modular Sequencer!

WOW and OMG! We just came across these pictures of …. something amazing. For a Gearjunkie one of the most appealing pieces of gear will always be Modular Synths and Sequencers. Because they embrace all that we love when we started out …. buttons, knobs, cables, lights and led’s, and so on! Even if you never have touched a modular, you still pay attention when you see or hear a modular setup. That’s why we think this Steampunk Modular Sequencer is so amazing. In this age of everything becoming ‘digital’ and getting ported to software, the creation of this amazing piece of ‘ART’ is therefor so … incredibly cool! Take a look at the pictures and enjoy!

Creator of this amazing Steampunk Modular is Moritz Wolpert. More pictures and information can be found through and Synthgear.

Update: Just found out that this has already been posted in 2009! We hadn’t seen it before, so we still think we should show it to you, as it still remains so awesome!



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