Sonic Geometry is proud to introduce its first product, OTO: a geometrically intuitive audiovisual controller, available now on Kickstarter. OTO is a polyhedric, gesture based MIDI controller that lets users “touch the shape of sound”.
With OTO users can play synths, DJ, perform live electronic music, and even control their favorite Digital Audio Workstations such as Ableton and Traktor. Each set of OTO controllers will ship with a suite of both standalone and DAW-control software, so whether you’re an experienced artist or just an enthusiast, a live musician, a producer, or a DJ, you can use OTO exactly how you want.
With OTO, or a system of networked OTO controllers, users can send Midi and OSC, trigger and modulate audiovisual data, control virtual reality, CAD environments… The possibilities are endless. The current suite of software patches is only the beginning. We want to build vast, interactive, generative musical topographies, powered by devices that are both invitingly simple, and surprisingly powerful.
compromising the scope of its function.
OTO’s Kickstarter campaigned launched yesterday and was almost instantly selected by the crowdfunding website as “Project we love” and featured on the homepage. In less than 24 hours OTO was able to raise 10% of its goal.