Released concurrently with Mac OS 10.4 (Tiger) on April 29, 2005, Metric Halo is currently shipping the version 2.0 update of Mobile I/O Console and driver software for Mac OS X. This update provides new functionality and increased performance across all Mobile I/O hardware models. Users of the Mobile I/O 2882, 2882+DSP, ULN-2, and ULN-2+DSP can now take advantage of the update with Mac OS X 10.2.6 through 10.4. This update is freely available to all registered users of Mobile I/O hardware.
Version 2.0 includes significant additions to the functionality of Mobile I/O and several maintenance fixes designed to resolve software issues and maintain a consistent level of performance among the various versions of the Mac operating system, as well as the many different host recording and workstation applications. Version 2.0 allows Mobile I/O users to take full advantage of Tiger’s Aggregate Device support to run multibox systems with higher channel counts than previously possible.
Metric Halo also released a Public Preview of version 3.0 for Mobile I/O. The Public Preview is available for download from the Metric Halo website, and includes several new features that are in the final stages of testing and qualification. Among these new features are the Record Panel, a streamlined multi-channel, multi-box recording environment optimized for live recording; external control surface support for MIO Console that allows users to control the parameters of the MIO WIDE Mixer with any control surface that supports the Mackie Control protocol (including the SAC2.2k and the Mackie Control); and substantial additions to the MIO +DSP environment, with over fifty new plug-in primitives designed to allow the user to create their own signal processing solutions.