The already powerful Hybrid Synth now sports three independent monophonic Synths, which the User can configure freely from the array of available soundmodules of the soundengine. This feature by itself would have justified an Upgrade, but here it is only the beginning.
A bunch of new features has been added to the Step-Sequencer which can now even be used to trigger and control external MIDI and Software instruments. This makes the Spectralis the perfect centerpiece and control-unit of any Synth setup. The number of available Stepsequencer lines has doubled from 16 to 32 – and a good thing it has! After all these sequencer lines are now enabled not only to control the Hybrid Synth and the Midi Instruments but also the Sample Engine of the Spectralis.
Due to the brandnew open routing of the lines parameters such as the FM-or phasemodulation-depth, filter resonance or even exotic parameters like the Time Linearity Modulation can now also be controlled with sequencerlines of up to 192 steps. Also NEW is a switchable Glide-function, which in addition to the previous hard step value changes and the popular step envelopes now also allows for buttery soft transitions when used to control parameters.
Hold it -there is more! The step sequencer is not the only section of the Spectralis able to control external instruments. ANY Part of the Spectralis can be selectively assigned to the MIDI-Out port. This means that even the powerful Drumgrid Editor can be used with connected sound sources. When a new song is selected the Spectralis can also automatically set the outside instruments to the proper sound programs and adjust their volume and panorama positions.
A very special new feature is the Random Sound Generator, which can deliver an almost infinite number of new, surprising and instantly usable Sounds. We should mention that a Hold Parameter has been added to the Hybrid Synthesizer Envelopes. Of course there are also a bunch of smaller modifications and tweaks to further improve the Spectralis functionality and user friendliness.
More info on the Spectralis website