D16 latest product, namely Fazortan has been offically released, that means preorder period is closed and you are able to download its demo and try it out.
Fazortan; the controlable space phaser has become another effect to offer as being a part of our ‘Silver Collection’. No need to say we didnt cut much corners on quality and that robust, yearned by all – analog feel of the sound. Total control of the Phase shift parameter provides you with adjustability and allows to obtain the desired contour with high precision. Have you ever wondered where does that unique magical breeze so audible in most of Jean Michael Jarre’s tunes come from. Suprisingly the backbone here isn’t the synth itself but the effect unit coupled with the synthesizer, saying more precisely – analog phaser of which our Fazortan seems to be a fine equivalent. Thanks to the analog modelling technique we were able to implement allpass filters comprising characteristics identical to its analog counterpart based on Operational Transconductance Amplifiers.
Full Features:
* true emulation of classic analog allpass phase shifter
* 2 full controllable LFOs
* unique sound different from the others digital phasers
* presets organised into groups
* midi learn function
* 64bit internal processing
* no harmonic distortions at output