Hit’n’Mix – Tear Apart MP3s and CD Tracks

Where have we seen this before? Yep, you are right! Check out what Hit’n’Mix is all about. Strip CD tracks & MP3s down into their basic building blocks. Change and mash up/remix vocals & individual instruments. Even copy between tracks!

From home DJs to Mashup pioneers, Hit’n’Mix provides the power to tear apart MP3s & CD tracks:
– Copy, move and delete individual or whole groups of notes – even copy between tracks
– Change the pitch and duration of notes
– Add effects like vibrato, slide, harmony and pitch quantization
– Watch amazing visuals. To capture for your own YouTube™ videos, see www.hitnmix.com for conditions
– Move the stereo position of notes left/right (even in monophonic tracks)
– Save your remixes as .Rip files, export as MP3s



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