Monthly Archives: August 2012

Google+ Hangouts On Air launched

After the release of Google+ last year it has been relatively quiet (we think). But that doesn’t mean Google hasn’t been busy. This week they annouced a new high quality ‘Studio Mode’ for musicians to play live concerts, online! Bands can now stream online concerts to their fans with good sound quality.

Tal-U-No-LX – Roland Juno Emulation now available

TAL-U-NO-LX is a fully rewritten emulation of the popular hardware with a new engine and GUI. Up to date zero feedback delay filters and carefully calibrated controls make this synth a good replacement for the analog device with all the advantages software plugins have. As an addition, the TAL_U-NO-LX also supports portamento and different filter LFO waveforms and some more useful features. An arpeggiator with different sync modes and hold function is also included. A very fast envelope with a smooth roll-off and emulated inaccuracy gives this synth the typical sound. The synth was calibrated after a hardware device that’s property of TAL.

Behringer XiControl for X32 App Available

Behringer XiControl for X32 App Available

BEHRINGER has today announced the immediate availability of the XiControl iPad App for its flagship X32 Digital Console. The app is a free download from Apple’s App Store and is compatible with all versions of the iPad including the 1, 2 and New iPad. Once installed, the app allows complete mixing control over the X32 Digital Console, opening a world of new possibilities.

Sebatron SMAC – Stereo Musical Audio Compressor Announced

Sebatron SMAC – Stereo Musical Audio Compressor Announced

These days if you’re cutting a record on digital equipment, it’s almost imperative to have some sort of audio compression acting on the signal. Audio compression helps all the dynamic subtleties to be properly boosted as well as maintaining control over fast or sporadic transient spikes. Audio compression can take place at the tracking stage , the mixing stage and then the mastering stage. If valves were used at the tracking stage then indirectly that’s even more compression and if analog tape or tape emulation was used then again that’s more compression. If the sounds were recorded through a speaker , like a guitar amp , then that’s more compression. If it has distortion , then it has a type of compression. If you heard it on radio or television then it has more compression on it . If you heard it online , you most likely heard something compressed…and in different ways.

Brainworx bx_saturator – Gearjunkies Review

Brainworx bx_saturator – Gearjunkies Review

M/S is a stereo technique which is used in almost all of Brainworx (BX) audio plug-ins. The BX saturator is a M/S 2-band saturation tool (4 bands in total). Every band has its own parameters for amount of distortion (called XL), distortion drive, pre/post options as well as saturation compensation settings. In addition you have at a global level a master XL parameter as well a master drive parameter. For both the M and S channels you have two separate crossover selections as well as separate gains. For convenience there is an added mono-maker with a frequency control parameter.