Propellerhead Audiomatic Retro Transformer – Video Tutorial

With the release of Propellerhead Reason 7 just recently, they have made a big step forward with this ‘all in the box’ DAW. Our friends from Sweden have released a microtutorial on the Audiomatic Retro Transformer rack extension that comes free with Reason 7.

Retro Transformer

Audiomatic is for your music what those insta-hipsta-analogififcation apps are for your cellphone pics. It’s about taking your sounds and making them a little bit wrong in the right way. Color your sounds, add extra grit, or indulge in the lo-fi goodness.

In this microtutorial, they’ll show you how Audiomatic was deployed across an entire mix to bring authenticity to the retro vibe. A little retro here… a little retro there… and it adds up to a dramatically awesomized mix.




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