In the early nineteen seventies, electronic musician Wendy Carlos programmed a Moog modular synthesizer to perform Baroque pieces. Her albums explore new timbres, and she called one of them The Well–Tempered Synthesizer.
Today we have new possibilities for representing and generating music, and for interaction. The Well–Sequenced Synthesizer is a study on music, a beginning, through the creation of a series of physical sequencers. There are three components:
The Counterpointer
This is a cross between an electronic arpeggiator and a baroque music rule book. It takes a melody input and responds with voices that follow the rules of counterpoint.
El Ordenador
This instrument carves chaos into order by applying musical constraints to randomly generated chord progressions. By turning three constraints on or off, users can hear what kind of music is generated from different combinations.
La Mecánica
This device uses a traditional music box mechanism to play back the progressions generated by El Ordenador.
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