The midi-restarter helps you to start or stop your MIDI-slave independent of your MIDI-master, but alway in perfect synchronisation. You push the buttom and the audiowerkstatt midi-restarter sends a MIDI-start/stop-message at the beginning of the next bar to ensure that all following MIDI-devices run in the correct timing.
There are 3 modes of operation
1. At the beginning of the next bar, a MIDI-stop-message and immediately after that a MIDI-start-message is sent. In this mode, a standing sequencer is restarted and a running sequencer is “pushed” into the correct timing. This mode does not work with all MIDI-devices as some devices require a short break between MIDI-stop- and MIDI-start-message. For these devices, the second mode can be selected.
2. A short time before the next bar starts (one MIDI-clock-message=1/24 quarter-note), a MIDI-stop-message is sent and then at the next bar a MIDI-start-message is sent. In this mode, a standing sequencer is restarted and a running sequencer is – after a very short break – “pushed” to the correct timing. This mode corresponds to the first and is intended for MIDI-devices that require a short break between MIDI-start- and MIDI-stop-message.
3. If the sequencer is running, a MIDI-stop-message is sent at the next bar and if the sequencer is standing, a MIDI-start-message is sent at the next bar. In this mode, a standing sequencer is restarted and running sequencer is stopped at the next bar.
It can be switched between the time-signatures 4/4 and 3/4.
You can also set whether only the newly created MIDI-clock and the MMC commands (start, stop, continue) are sent or the midi-data, received at the MIDI-in, will be mixed with that.