Linplug updates Cronox 3
Linplug has updated CronoX3 to version 3.5.
Linplug has updated CronoX3 to version 3.5.
Linplug is happy to announce the official release of version 3.0.2 of Albino and CronoX and Sophistry 3.0.8. Linplug would like to thank everyone who participated in the public beta test for the feedback they gave.
LinPlug recently released SaxLab v1.1, Rob Papen Albino v3.0.2 Beta and CronoX3 / Sophistry v3.0.8 (Release Candidate).
LinPlug recently has updated three of their products. Albino to v3.0.1, CronoX/Sophistry to v3.0.6 and Octopus to v1.2. Also released are Universal Binary version for Intel based Mac computers.
With the MusikMesse in Frankfurt around the corner Linplug had some announcements regarding virtually all LinPlug instruments!
Linplug has recently updated CronoX3 (Sample Synthesizer) to version 3.0.4. and the same with the Albino (Virtual Rob Papen Synthesizer), which got updated to version 2.2.1.
Allthough only recent released Linplug has updated the CronoX3 already. They updated CronoX to version 3.0.2, fixing issues with surround sound in some hosts and improved support of loop points in WAV files.
LinPlug has unveiled the next version of CronoX -> CronoX3 a versatile, 24-voice wavetable/sampling softsynth.