One of the conclusions in the first part of our iPad article series was that the apps we tested and played with were cool and fun to play with. The only real issue was the midi/io function or better, the lack of! If music apps will play a part in studio environments, apps will have to be improved on this level! We don’t know if MooCowMusic has listened to us, but anyway, they have implemented the support for the Line6 Midi Mobilizer.
MooCowMusic released the free update today, adding support for the Line 6 MIDI Mobilizer interface. In addition to using the app as a multi-touch MIDI controller keyboard, the bi-directional control of the Line 6 interface means it can also be used as a MIDI sound source, or simple sequencer. Record your song ideas on the road with nothing more than an iPad and a portable MIDI keyboard, then import them as a Standard MIDI File into your DAW back at the studio. The update also includes support for wireless MIDI via the DSMI server, and optimised MIDI-via-OSC support using Pure Data. For more information see the Pianist Pro page.