That’s right! Want Of The Century. Often you come across ‘stuff’ that looks neat or you would love to play with. But this is ten times more cool. DJ Pablo Martin pleasantly surprised us with his new project multitouch. He is using his new software Emulator on a Töken Concept table. Looking at the video you know this is just übercool!
But what is EMULATOR?
Emulator is a multitouch MIDI controller (for windows 7, oh yes NO IPAD!), software where you have all what you need on same screen and combine the power of multitouch, the useful standard mouse and the native interface of software to be controlled all in one nice and useful GUI, first version 1.0 include layout 100% compatible with Traktor Pro internal mode, future upgrades include Traktor Internal mode and new layouts for Deckadance, Virtual Dj, Ableton and more.
“emulator” on töken concept from yöyen munchausen on Vimeo. (Via Skratchworx)